On Wednesday 04 October 2006 10:33, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Mats Bengtsson schreef:
> > really
> > well-defined which one and the program should definitely tell that that
> > the user probably has made a mistake and the program had to make a
> > decision on which mark to typeset.
> >
> > In your case, you know why the warning appears and you know that you can
> > ignore it, since you only have \mark commands in your \global. If you
> > want to
> > get rid of the warnings, you could add the \mark commands in a separate
> > variable
> > that's only included at the top stave of the score, or you could use the
> > \tag feature
> > to do the same thing.
> It would be better if there were a check if the new event is equal to
> the old one, and only warn if they're different. 

Hm, then I'll define a new equal_p for probs. I'd say that two events are 
equal if all event properties are 'equal?'. This 
includes 'origin, so there will be a warning in cases like:

  \mark "A"
  \mark "A"

I think this is desirable; it catches cases like
 c4 ( -. -_ -- \( (
where a user sends two slur-start-events by mistake.

> Also, the definition
> location seems to be missing. Erik?

My work-in-progress macro-capable parser contains a generic fix for this, 
where I added a mandatory location parameter to MY_MAKE_MUSIC. Should I try 
to backport this before 2.10?


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