What happens is that the \override command isn't seen until the place of the first syllable, which is too late if you start with a rest. If you use \lyricsto instead of \addlyrics (which is the only reasonable method in all but the most simple scores
anyway), you can do

\version "2.8.0"
\score { <<
   \new Voice = mv { r4 a'4 b' c'' d'' }
   \new Lyrics {
       \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2 . 8)
       \lyricsto mv { one two three four



\score { <<
   \new Voice = mv { r4 a'4 b' c'' d'' }
   \new Lyrics \with {
       \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2 . 8)
       \lyricsto mv { one two three four



Quoting Colin Wilding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

It's pretty obscure but I found it eventually...

Version 2.8.0 on Windows XP

If there is a rest at the start of a staff then vertical spacing of lyrics
does not work.

For example, in this piece the lyrics are spaced away from the staff:

\version "2.8.0"
\score { \context Voice = mv { a'4 b' c'' d'' }
   \addlyrics {
       \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2 . 8)
       one two three four

But in this version (with added rest) the vertical spacing is ignored:

\version "2.8.0"
\score { \context Voice = mv { r4 a'4 b' c'' d'' }
   \addlyrics {
       \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2 . 8)
       one two three four

One workaround is to add a hidden note before the rest, and a skip in the

Colin Wilding
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