I don't know how much you know about the quirks of partcombine, but this is another common problem.

Take the code below:

\version "2.7.5"

\include "english.ly"

musicA = {
        \clef "treble"
        \time 6/8

        r4 r8 r4 a8
        g4. r8 r a
        g4. r4 r8
        r8 c,8 d e g4
        r8 f g a c4

musicB = {
        \clef "treble"
        \time 6/8

\score {                                
        \new Staff <<
                        \relative a' { \musicA }
                        \relative f' { \musicB }
        \layout { }

Note two things:

a) The rests in measure one are bumped up, even though it's supposedly a solo measure.

b) Measure 7 has a R2. from musicB stuck in it. It should be like in measure 8 -- gone. Now if you combine the *3 and *5 from musicB into *8, this disappears. While not a big problem, I do split multimeasure rests like this for bigger pieces, usually for comment lines.


Will Oram // Genius @ Large // AIM spamguy21
spamguy (at) foxchange (dot) com // wro1 (at) cwru (dot) edu

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