You have to have hairpins in a separate context (like the 3.2.4 template) to get this, but when you do you'll find that hairpins take their horizontal start- and stop-points from the *width of lyric text* happening at the same rhythmic moment, rather than from the *width of noteheads* happening at the same rhythmic moment, which can lead to, for example, really confusing your pianist.
The example here shows this point through a series of four progressive examples that should render on a single page. You'll need 2.7.4 to render the \wordwrap correctly and read the explanations. Possibly a workaround for this already exists? Or possibly the Dynamics context I've built here for these examples is somehow deficient. Or perhaps Lily's default behavior for hairpin spanning should change? Trevor. %%%%%%%%%%% hairpin-lyrics interaction %%%%%%% \version "2.7.4" \markup {\wordwrap {\bold {Hairpin-lyrics interaction.} Here is some music. The hairpins attach inline to notes, directly in the note entry. The hairpins are very beautiful. They each start from left note-edge and stop at right note-edge:}} theWords = \lyricmode { text and even more text, words and even more words } \score { << \new Staff << \clef treble \time 4/4 \context Voice = "theNotes" { c'2.\< c'4\! | c'2.\> c'4\! | c'1\< | r1\! c'2.\< c'4\! | c'2.\> c'4\! | c'1\< | r1\! } \lyricsto "theNotes" \new Lyrics \theWords >> >> } \markup {\wordwrap {Here is the same music, but with dynamics in a special Dyanmics context like the one in template 3.2.4. Here the hairpins are not so beautiful. They each start at left lyric-edge and stop at right lyric-edge:}} \score { << \new Staff << \clef treble \time 4/4 \context Voice = "theNotes" { c'2. c'4 | c'2. c'4 | c'1 | r1 c'2. c'4 | c'2. c'4 | c'1 | r1 } \lyricsto "theNotes" \new Lyrics \theWords >> \new Dynamics { s2.\< s4\! | s2.\> s4\! | s1\< | s1\! s2.\< s4\! | s2.\> s4\! | s1\< | s1\! } >> \layout { \context { \name "Dynamics" \type "Engraver_group_engraver" \consists "Axis_group_engraver" \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator" \consists "Dynamic_engraver" } \context { \Score \accepts "Dynamics" } } } \markup {\wordwrap {The same hairpin-stretching effect obtains no matter where we put the special Dynamics context:}} \score { << \new Staff << \clef treble \time 4/4 \context Voice = "theNotes" { c'2. c'4 | c'2. c'4 | c'1 | r1 c'2. c'4 | c'2. c'4 | c'1 | r1 } \lyricsto "theNotes" \new Lyrics \theWords >> \new Staff { c'2. c'4 | c'2. c'4 | c'1 | r1 c'2. c'4 | c'2. c'4 | c'1 | r1 } \new Dynamics { s2.\< s4\! | s2.\> s4\! | s1\< | s1\! s2.\< s4\! | s2.\> s4\! | s1\< | s1\! } >> \layout { \context { \name "Dynamics" \type "Engraver_group_engraver" \consists "Axis_group_engraver" \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator" \consists "Dynamic_engraver" } \context { \Score \accepts "Dynamics" } } } \markup {\wordwrap {The idea that hairpin bounds match lyric bounds is unusual. The following snippet from the first of the Brahms German folksongs probably gives a good idea why when we look carefully at the hairpins on either side of the barline between the first two measures:}} brahmsLyrics = \lyricmode { of -- fen schon, komm | nur in mei -- ne | Hütt __ Ach | } \score { << \new Staff << \context Voice = "melody" { \clef treble \time 6/8 c''4 e''8 d''4 f''8 | e''4 d''8 c''4 d''8 g'4. ~ g'4 c''8 | } \lyricsto "melody" \new Lyrics \brahmsLyrics >> \new PianoStaff << \new Staff { \clef treble \time 6/8 r8 <e' c'' e''>8[ r8 <f' b' e''>8 r8 <d' f' b'>8] | r8 <c' e' c''>8[ r8 <e' g' c''>8 r8 <c' fis' a'>8] | r8 <g b g'>8[ r8 <g e' g'>8 r8 <g c' fis' g'>8] | } \new Dynamics { \time 6/8 s8 s4\< s4\> s8\! | s4. \< s4. | s4. s4 s8\! | } \new Staff { \time 6/8 \clef bass fis,4( g,4 gis,4) | a,4( a4 d4) | g,4( c4 a,4) | } >> >> \layout { \context { \name "Dynamics" \type "Engraver_group_engraver" \consists "Axis_group_engraver" \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator" \consists "Dynamic_engraver" \override Hairpin #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 1.5) } \context { \PianoStaff \accepts "Dynamics" \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #5 } } } \markup {\wordwrap {The end effect is to render the hairpins such that they frequently look like y have nothing to do with the rhythmic timevalues in the piano. Maybe we should reconsider this nment principle?}} %%%%%%%%%%% hairpin-lyrics interaction %%%%%%% _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list