Samuel Thibault, le dim. 24 sept. 2023 00:16:21 +0200, a ecrit:
>       const mach_msg_type_long_t nameType = {
>               .msgtl_header = {
>                       .msgt_name =            0,
>                       .msgt_size =            0,
>                       .msgt_number =          0,
>                       .msgt_inline =          TRUE,
>                       .msgt_longform =        TRUE,
>                       .msgt_deallocate =      FALSE,
>                       .msgt_unused =          0
>               },
>               .msgtl_name =   (unsigned short) MACH_MSG_TYPE_STRING_C,
>               .msgtl_size =   1024,
>               .msgtl_number =.1,
>       };
> Is that actually defined behavior?

It doesn't seem well-defined indeed. The gcc documentation says that the
last initializer is used (which means mixture is not supported), and
-Woverride-init (which is in -Wextra) warns about it.


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