Samuel Thibault, le sam. 27 août 2022 20:38:08 +0200, a ecrit:
> Samuel Thibault, le sam. 27 août 2022 20:26:10 +0200, a ecrit:
> > I can't manage to make this boot at all. Is there a particular configure
> > option to pass? I have let it just use the linux 64bit compiler, I have
> > tried with --host=x86_64-gnu, in all cases after pressing enter at the
> > grub menu it loads the kernel but just reboots immediately after that,
> > even if I have put a jmp boot_entry at boot_entry, i.e. it's really the
> > load that is a problem and not any gnumach code.
> Actually, building with 32bit without your changes brings me the same
> issue, oh joy...

Bleh, forget what I wrote, I was not properly copying the kernel file...


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