* use _raw_ structs where we refer to the bootloader-provided data
* remove unused structures
* fix 64 bit boot

Signed-off-by: Luca Dariz <l...@orpolo.org>
 Makefrag.am                        |   1 -
 i386/i386at/model_dep.c            |  23 +++---
 i386/include/mach/i386/multiboot.h | 108 +----------------------------
 include/mach/multiboot.h           |  82 ----------------------
 kern/bootstrap.c                   |  20 +++++-
 5 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 203 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 include/mach/multiboot.h

diff --git a/Makefrag.am b/Makefrag.am
index fef1e000..6e74697e 100644
--- a/Makefrag.am
+++ b/Makefrag.am
@@ -404,7 +404,6 @@ include_mach_HEADERS = \
        include/mach/message.h \
        include/mach/mig_errors.h \
        include/mach/msg_type.h \
-       include/mach/multiboot.h \
        include/mach/notify.h \
        include/mach/pc_sample.h \
        include/mach/policy.h \
diff --git a/i386/i386at/model_dep.c b/i386/i386at/model_dep.c
index 21a36bf2..b2a22a42 100644
--- a/i386/i386at/model_dep.c
+++ b/i386/i386at/model_dep.c
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ unsigned long *pfn_list = (void*) PFN_LIST;
 unsigned long la_shift = VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS;
 #else  /* MACH_XEN */
-struct multiboot_info boot_info;
+struct multiboot_raw_info boot_info;
 #endif /* MACH_XEN */
 /* Command line supplied to kernel.  */
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ i386at_init(void)
        if (boot_info.flags & MULTIBOOT_MODS && boot_info.mods_count) {
-               struct multiboot_module *m;
+               struct multiboot_raw_module *m;
                int i;
                if (! init_alloc_aligned(
@@ -591,13 +591,14 @@ void c_boot_entry(vm_offset_t bi)
         * so that the symbol table's memory won't be stomped on.
        if ((boot_info.flags & MULTIBOOT_AOUT_SYMS)
-           && boot_info.syms.a.addr)
+           && boot_info.shdr_addr)
                vm_size_t symtab_size, strtab_size;
-               kern_sym_start = (vm_offset_t)phystokv(boot_info.syms.a.addr);
-               symtab_size = (vm_offset_t)phystokv(boot_info.syms.a.tabsize);
-               strtab_size = (vm_offset_t)phystokv(boot_info.syms.a.strsize);
+                /* For simplicity we just use a simple boot_info_raw structure 
for elf */
+               kern_sym_start = (vm_offset_t)phystokv(boot_info.shdr_addr);
+               symtab_size = (vm_offset_t)phystokv(boot_info.shdr_num);
+               strtab_size = (vm_offset_t)phystokv(boot_info.shdr_size);
                kern_sym_end = kern_sym_start + 4 + symtab_size + strtab_size;
                printf("kernel symbol table at %08lx-%08lx (%ld,%ld)\n",
@@ -606,12 +607,12 @@ void c_boot_entry(vm_offset_t bi)
        if ((boot_info.flags & MULTIBOOT_ELF_SHDR)
-           && boot_info.syms.e.num)
+           && boot_info.shdr_num)
-               elf_shdr_num = boot_info.syms.e.num;
-               elf_shdr_size = boot_info.syms.e.size;
-               elf_shdr_addr = (vm_offset_t)phystokv(boot_info.syms.e.addr);
-               elf_shdr_shndx = boot_info.syms.e.shndx;
+               elf_shdr_num = boot_info.shdr_num;
+               elf_shdr_size = boot_info.shdr_size;
+               elf_shdr_addr = (vm_offset_t)phystokv(boot_info.shdr_addr);
+               elf_shdr_shndx = boot_info.shdr_strndx;
                printf("ELF section header table at %08lx\n", elf_shdr_addr);
diff --git a/i386/include/mach/i386/multiboot.h 
index 5a532576..40522d96 100644
--- a/i386/include/mach/i386/multiboot.h
+++ b/i386/include/mach/i386/multiboot.h
@@ -25,31 +25,6 @@
 #include <mach/machine/vm_types.h>
-/* For a.out kernel boot images, the following header must appear
-   somewhere in the first 8192 bytes of the kernel image file.  */
-struct multiboot_header
-       /* Must be MULTIBOOT_MAGIC */
-       unsigned                magic;
-       /* Feature flags - see below.  */
-       unsigned                flags;
-       /*
-        * Checksum
-        *
-        * The above fields plus this one must equal 0 mod 2^32.
-        */
-       unsigned                checksum;
-       /* These are only valid if MULTIBOOT_AOUT_KLUDGE is set.  */
-       vm_offset_t             header_addr;
-       vm_offset_t             load_addr;
-       vm_offset_t             load_end_addr;
-       vm_offset_t             bss_end_addr;
-       vm_offset_t             entry;
 /* The entire multiboot_header must be contained
    within the first MULTIBOOT_SEARCH bytes of the kernel image.  */
 #define MULTIBOOT_SEARCH       8192
@@ -78,61 +53,7 @@ struct multiboot_header
    that the multiboot method is being used */
 #define MULTIBOOT_VALID         0x2badb002
-/* The boot loader passes this data structure to the kernel in
-   register EBX on entry.  */
-struct multiboot_info
-       /* These flags indicate which parts of the multiboot_info are valid;
-          see below for the actual flag bit definitions.  */
-       unsigned                flags;
-       /* Lower/Upper memory installed in the machine.
-          Valid only if MULTIBOOT_MEMORY is set in flags word above.  */
-       vm_size_t               mem_lower;
-       vm_size_t               mem_upper;
-       /* BIOS disk device the kernel was loaded from.
-          Valid only if MULTIBOOT_BOOT_DEVICE is set in flags word above.  */
-       unsigned char           boot_device[4];
-       /* Command-line for the OS kernel: a null-terminated ASCII string.
-          Valid only if MULTIBOOT_CMDLINE is set in flags word above.  */
-       vm_offset_t             cmdline;
-       /* List of boot modules loaded with the kernel.
-          Valid only if MULTIBOOT_MODS is set in flags word above.  */
-       unsigned                mods_count;
-       vm_offset_t             mods_addr;
-       /* Symbol information for a.out or ELF executables. */
-       union
-       {
-         struct
-         {
-           /* a.out symbol information valid only if MULTIBOOT_AOUT_SYMS
-              is set in flags word above.  */
-           vm_size_t           tabsize;
-           vm_size_t           strsize;
-           vm_offset_t         addr;
-           unsigned            reserved;
-         } a;
-         struct
-         {
-           /* ELF section header information valid only if
-              MULTIBOOT_ELF_SHDR is set in flags word above.  */
-           unsigned            num;
-           vm_size_t           size;
-           vm_offset_t         addr;
-           unsigned            shndx;
-         } e;
-       } syms;
-       /* Memory map buffer.
-          Valid only if MULTIBOOT_MEM_MAP is set in flags word above.  */
-       vm_size_t               mmap_count;
-       vm_offset_t             mmap_addr;
 #define MULTIBOOT_MEMORY       0x00000001
 #define MULTIBOOT_BOOT_DEVICE  0x00000002
@@ -175,33 +96,6 @@ struct multiboot32_module
-/* The mmap_addr field above contains the physical address of the first
-   of the AddrRangeDesc structure.  "size" represents the size of the
-   rest of the structure and optional padding.  The offset to the beginning
-   of the next structure is therefore "size + 4".  */
-struct AddrRangeDesc
-  unsigned long size;
-  unsigned long BaseAddrLow;
-  unsigned long BaseAddrHigh;
-  unsigned long LengthLow;
-  unsigned long LengthHigh;
-  unsigned long Type;
-  /* unspecified optional padding... */
-struct multiboot_mmap
-  unsigned long size;
-  unsigned long long BaseAddr;
-  unsigned long long Length;
-  unsigned long Type;
-  /* unspecified optional padding... */
 /* usable memory "Type", all others are reserved.  */
 #define MB_ARD_MEMORY       1
diff --git a/include/mach/multiboot.h b/include/mach/multiboot.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b23df4a4..00000000
--- a/include/mach/multiboot.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1995-1994 The University of Utah and
- * the Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah (CSL).
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software is hereby
- * granted provided that (1) source code retains these copyright, permission,
- * and disclaimer notices, and (2) redistributions including binaries
- * reproduce the notices in supporting documentation, and (3) all advertising
- * materials mentioning features or use of this software display the following
- * acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the
- * Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah.''
- *
- *
- * CSL requests users of this software to return to csl-d...@cs.utah.edu any
- * improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights.
- *
- *      Author: Bryan Ford, University of Utah CSL
- */
-#include <mach/machine/vm_types.h>
-#include <mach/machine/multiboot.h>
-struct multiboot_region
-       vm_offset_t             start;
-       vm_offset_t             end;
-struct multiboot_rlist
-       int                     count;
-       vm_offset_t             regions;
-struct multiboot_module
-       /* Location and size of the module.  */
-       struct multiboot_region region;
-       /* Command-line associated with this boot module:
-          a null-terminated ASCII string.
-          Both start and end are 0 if there is no command line.
-          The end pointer points at least one byte past the terminating null.  
-       struct multiboot_region cmdline;
-       /* Reserved; boot loader must initialize to zero.  */
-       natural_t               pad[4];
-struct multiboot_info
-       /* List of available physical memory regions.
-          Can (and probably does) include the memory containing
-          the kernel, boot modules, this structure, etc.  */
-       struct multiboot_rlist  avail;
-       /* Physical memory region occupied by things the boot loader set up
-          and the OS shouldn't clobber at least until it's all done 
initializing itself.
-          This includes the kernel image, boot modules, these structures,
-          initial processor tables, etc.  */
-       struct multiboot_rlist  occupied;
-       /* Command-line for the OS kernel: a null-terminated ASCII string.
-          Both start and end are 0 if there is no command line.
-          The end pointer points at least one byte past the terminating null.  
-       struct multiboot_region cmdline;
-       /* Secondary boot modules loaded with this kernel image.  */
-       int                     nmods;
-       vm_offset_t             mods;
-       /* Reserved; boot loader must initialize to zero.  */
-       natural_t               pad[4];
-#endif /* _MACH_MULTIBOOT_H_ */
diff --git a/kern/bootstrap.c b/kern/bootstrap.c
index 60e1ad58..60648c9d 100644
--- a/kern/bootstrap.c
+++ b/kern/bootstrap.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 #include <mach/xen.h>
 extern struct start_info boot_info;    /* XXX put this in a header! */
 #else  /* MACH_XEN */
-extern struct multiboot_info boot_info;        /* XXX put this in a header! */
+extern struct multiboot_raw_info boot_info;    /* XXX put this in a header! */
 #endif /* MACH_XEN */
@@ -155,9 +155,25 @@ void bootstrap_create(void)
   boot_info.mods_count = n;
   boot_info.flags |= MULTIBOOT_MODS;
 #else  /* MACH_XEN */
+#ifdef __x86_64__
+  struct multiboot_raw_module *bmods32 = ((struct multiboot_raw_module *)
+                                          phystokv(boot_info.mods_addr));
+  struct multiboot_module *bmods=NULL;
+  if (bmods32)
+    {
+      int i;
+      bmods = alloca(boot_info.mods_count * sizeof(*bmods));
+      for (i=0; i<boot_info.mods_count; i++)
+        {
+          bmods[i].mod_start = bmods32[i].mod_start;
+          bmods[i].mod_end = bmods32[i].mod_end;
+          bmods[i].string = bmods32[i].string;
+        }
+    }
   struct multiboot_module *bmods = ((struct multiboot_module *)
 #endif /* MACH_XEN */
   if (!(boot_info.flags & MULTIBOOT_MODS)
       || (boot_info.mods_count == 0))

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