Damin said:
>Does anyone have an exhaustive list of packages that are currently broken 
>and part of the initial bootstrap install? 
>I have a little time now, I can try following up on bugs. 

Apart of vim-tiny still being requested (not knowing why), I get:

rsyslog depends on libjson-c3 (>= 0.10) however libjson-c3 is not installed
rsyslog depends on liblogging-stdlog0 (>= 1.0.2) however the package is not 
rsyslog depends on liblognorm2 (>=1.1.2) however the package is not installed

That was with 
https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/hurd-i386/daily/netboot/mini.iso dowloaded 
a few hours ago.

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