
On Tue, 10 May 2011 21:07:31 +0200, Tanguy LE CARROUR 
<tanguy.lecarr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/5/7 <olafbuddenha...@gmx.net>
> > More importantly however -- as I stated before -- I have serious doubts
> > about the usefulness of small monetary rewards.
> >
> According to the reaction we got (...none...) I'm also starting to be a
> bit skeptical. :-(

Well, it is an experiment.  And: given the usual Hurd timescale, it may
easily take some more months for someone ``to bite''.

> Anyway, the money is still there... we just have to find something to do
> with it!

Yes.  For now, I suggest to give it time.  Money you donate by definition
is money you don't need yourself, so there is no value lost personally
for you if it's ``sitting'' at FOSS Factory, waiting for someone to pick
it up.  Of course, I can understand your desire that someone should get
the money after having done some work.  :-)

> And I think that a soon as we'll find an effective way to use the money,
> more people will donate!

Some other guys -- which I partly don't recognize by their nicknames --
already joined in by donating for either specific projects or for the
container projects.

The other points Olaf rises are very valid, of course, too.


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