
An thanks for the answer...

2011/5/16 <olafbuddenha...@gmx.net>

> On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 09:07:31PM +0200, Tanguy LE CARROUR wrote:
>  > what exactly is a "community and outreach manager"?!
> Basically, someone who takes care of all the non-development tasks that
> need to be done, but usually are not adequately handled through
> volunteer work alone: making sure goals are defined and worked on,
> decisions are made an followed through, and releases happen; mediating
> disputes; welcoming and encouraging new contributers; making sure
> patches and questions don't fall through the cracks; taking care that
> the web site and documentation are in good order; submitting news
> stories; organising and/or giving interviews; organising conferences;
> organising participation in programs such as GSoC; and so on and on.

I can definitely do some of those things!
I thought about "refreshing" the web site sometimes ago. No need to redo
everything... one can do a lot with just CSS Styling.
Also reorganizing/writing docs, summarize IRC meetings...

But as many people do, I have another personal project that I'm working one
(have been working on for the last five years :-( ) so it would not be more
than a couple of hours a week.

Hope I'll be able to free sometime asap... let me know if you have a "top 5"
list of simple things that have to be done.

Hoping to be more helpful in a near future,

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