Oz, le Fri 25 Feb 2011 15:44:14 -0600, a écrit :
> Debian Gnu/Hurd seems to be complicated to install from what i
> understand because 1 its not a live cd or install cd.
> 2-you need qemu virtulization.

You are mixing two things here.


is a qemu image from april 2010, ready to run in qemu, but can also be
dd-ed to a disk for use on a native machine. It's a bit old however.


is the Debian hurd-i386 Installer updated early february, it _is_ an
install CD, up to date.

> i dont know or understand much i am a ubuntu
> gnu/linux

Then the Debian installer should be fine, since then you'll end up with
an Ubuntu-like system in terms of apt-get/dpkg.

That's not as easy as a liveCD of course.


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