On Friday 09 July 2010 11:51:11 Sergiu Ivanov wrote:
> Sadly, since I am very-very short on time now, nsmux is currently
> stuck at almost the same capabilities as about a year ago: it works
> for the simplest file,,a,,b .  It does not shutdown the translators a
> and b after the client that has requested the translation closes the
> port.

Putting it differently: It has a memory leak the size of the started 
translators :) 

Does it reuse the translators if I access the same file,,a,,b? 

And can I kill the translators manually? 

Best wishes, 
Ich hab' nichts zu verbergen – hab ich gedacht: 

- http://draketo.de/licht/lieder/ich-hab-nichts-zu-verbergen

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