Hi again,

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 10:37:04AM +0100, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> El Sunday, 16 de March de 2008 18:44:14 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> escribió:

> > (Oh, by the way, before you accuse me of arrogance: I consider my
> > own person mostly useless myself.)
> The GSoC applications doesn't really back your claim of being useless
> ;-) 

Well, that's one attempt to be really useful for once :-)

> If the Hurd gets at least one slot, you'll have contributed as much as
> anyone who regularly dives into code, because you'll have invited a
> new coder. 

Most likely we could have got one slot again through the GNU project...

But of course, this way we have a chance of getting more than one... And
furthermore, we have more influence on the selection process :-)


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