On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 02:16:31PM +0000, Samuel Thibault wrote: > Carl Fredrik Hammar, le Fri 14 Mar 2008 15:08:31 +0100, a écrit : > > Now to a real issue. While there's nothing wrong with the project as > > such (in fact it's quite a good idea), I think most of the project is > > more in the domain of distributions, e.g. Debian, rather then the Hurd > > itself. > > Actually, while reading the proposal, I thought "well, that mostly means > advertising the K* CDs"
Which is where I failed. I wrote up an announcement, but was too busy with other things at the beginning of the year and then forgot. It's still here: http://people.debian.org/~mbanck/k16_announcement.html and we can maybe still send it out. > About an automatic build of images, that would just usually not work > because we are almost always lagging behind in some part of the Debian > distribution :) (remember the troubles Philip has been having). Debian GNU/Hurd could do two things (besides the "port debian-installer to hurd-i386" task) maybe: - setup a testing distribution so users have reasonable guarantees that they can install the packages - make weekly CD snapshots without installer available via debian-cd/jigdo Both tasks aren't very easy and are additionally complicated by the usage of both the ftp.debian.org unstable and the ftp.debian-ports.org unreleased archive, and especially the first one probably needs a lot of continuous attention, so it is unclear whether the needed work will offset the gains for the limited number of users we have. Michael