

> Hi,
> For those who haven't heard it yet on IRC (and also a reminder for the
> others): Unlike the last two years, when we only participated under the
> umbrella of the GNU project, this year we want to participate in GSoC as
> an organisation on our own.

This is a great idea!

> Especially the project list needs work. Some of the project descriptions
> are only skeletons; I lack the knowledge to fill in the details. But I
> know that some of you have much better understanding about some of these
> projects.

I noticed ``Translator stacking mechanism'' in there.  I'm planning on
getting some serious work done on this soon, as I'm just getting out
of a particularly stressful quarter (just one exam left now :-), and
I'm entering a particularly calm quarter and I will have plenty of
spare time on my hands.

So I'm not sure how much will be left for a student to do.  But then
again life happens, and should I fail to get started with it, it would
be a nice project.  For now, I've added a disclaimer that student
should contact me if interested.

Of course, I'm more than willing to sign up for another GSoC to get
this done if we have a shortage of volunteers.  ;-)

> Also the mentor list inside the organisation application (
> http://www.bddebian.com/~wiki/community/gsoc/organization_application/ )
> is still pretty incomplete -- please speak up if you are willing to
> mentor.

Not sure if I'm experienced enough to be an actual mentor, but I'm
more than willing help out when it comes to fitting the ``Sound
support'' and ``TCP/IP stack'' projects into the translator stacking

Of course, if a student beats me to it I might be able to mentor
``Translator stacking mechanism''.

Also this reminded me that I was asked to write an entry about my
experience of last years GSoC.  I wrote a quick draft and then
completely forgot!  I think this would be a great time to finish it
and put on the wiki.  ;-)


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