
For those who haven't heard it yet on IRC (and also a reminder for the
others): Unlike the last two years, when we only participated under the
umbrella of the GNU project, this year we want to participate in GSoC as
an organisation on our own.

I don't know whether this will result in getting more than the single
slot we got with the GNU project. But it definitely means that we can
have a more targetted student selection process, and generally get more
prominent exposure. (If we get accepted...) These facts should suffice
to make it worthwhile.

I've put up an overview page on,


but not much there yet. More importantly, I created drafts for our
application as an organization,


the list of project ideas,


and the application template for the students:


They are very rough drafts, and need input from others (you). It's a
wiki, meaning anyone can edit it -- please make use of this possibility!

Especially the project list needs work. Some of the project descriptions
are only skeletons; I lack the knowledge to fill in the details. But I
know that some of you have much better understanding about some of these

Most notably, many of the projects need links to relevant information,
like bug/task tracker items, previous mailing list discussions,
documentation etc. I know that some of you, unlike myself, keep track of
such links, so please add them where appropriate!

Of course, further project ideas are welcome -- the more the better.

Also the mentor list inside the organisation application (
http://www.bddebian.com/~wiki/community/gsoc/organization_application/ )
is still pretty incomplete -- please speak up if you are willing to

Note that being in the list doesn't necessarily mean you will actually
be assigned as mentor; it only indicates that you are generally willing
to mentor some of the listed projects. (If you have other project ideas,
please add them to the list!)

I need your google account address to add you -- or better even, just
add yourself.


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