URL: <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?19426>
Summary: GNU Mach: panic: zalloc: zone kalloc.8192 exhausted Project: The GNU Hurd Submitted by: mbanck Submitted on: Tuesday 03/27/07 at 14:44 Category: GNU Mach Severity: 3 - Normal Priority: 5 - Normal Item Group: None Status: None Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Originator Name: Originator Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any Reproducibility: Intermittent Size (loc): None Planned Release: None Effort: 0.00 Wiki-like text discussion box: _______________________________________________________ Details: I got this panic twice now: panic: zalloc: zone kalloc.8192 exhausted eip:0x119127 from the Mach kdb trace: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/boot # addr2line -f -e gnumach-dbg 0x119127 Debugger ../kern/debug.c:104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/boot # addr2line -f -e gnumach-dbg 0x1190fe panic ../kern/debug.c:143 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/boot # addr2line -f -e gnumach-dbg 0x123ee0 zalloc ../kern/zalloc.c:505 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/boot # addr2line -f -e gnumach-dbg 0x11b66a kalloc ../kern/kalloc.c:185 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/boot # addr2line -f -e gnumach-dbg 0x11a548 ipc_kobject_server ../kern/ipc_kobject.c:74 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/boot # addr2line -f -e gnumach-dbg 0x14aed5 mach_msg_trap ../ipc/mach_msg.c:1367 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/boot # This time, a mysql build aborted with the following error message: libtool: link: `libtaocrypt_la-aestables.lo' is not a valid libtool object make[5]: *** [libtaocrypt.la] Error 1 After killing off the build processes and restarting another build, the machine was becoming quite sluggish and Mach paniced quite soon thereafter with the above zalloc exhausted message. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?19426> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah http://savannah.gnu.org/ _______________________________________________ Bug-hurd mailing list Bug-hurd@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-hurd