El sáb, 27-08-2005 a las 19:54 +0200, Marco Gerards escribió:
> Sergio Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Sorry for bothering you, but is there some kind of "magic word" to
> > attract the attention from Hurd's Maintainers?
> You are not bothering anyone.  You have done a lot of amazing work and
> it would be nice if your patches can be applied ASAP.  Perhaps if you
> ask often people will notice you...  It looks like you are working on
> making GNU/Hurd more stable (right?), I think it is the most important
> task there is for GNU/Hurd on Mach...
> The main problem is that when it comes to applying patches or
> answering such difficult questions is that there are not many people
> capable of doing so. :-/

The problem isn't the patches itself. Don't belive to Alfred, I'm not
claiming to put any patch into the CVS. I'm just asking some design
issues, to know what's the proper direction to take so this work can
someday become part of the Hurd.

At this time, you probably already know about HARD ("Hurd's AlteRnative
Development"), the non-GNU project I was trying to create on Savannah (I
wanted to be near from the official branch to keep in touch better).
Before judging me, please read the project's description:

"HARD (Hurd's AlteRnative Development) doesn't need too much
explanation. It's simply a fork from the official Hurd's Development,
which is mostly stuck. You can think about it as an "independent and
experimental development branch of Hurd". In a future, we expect that
some of our changes will enter into the official repository (because of
this, GCS and copyright assignment is also required for developers)."

Please note this "independent and experimental development branch", this
"we expect that some our changes will enter into the offical repository"
and this "GCS and copyright assignment is also required for

I wanted that project to put there the experimental changes (that
obviously can't enter into the official CVS), so more people can test
and work on them (some changes are extremly big, I can't do this alone,

This way we don't need to bother the Maintainers, since we can do our
own design decisions, and test ourselves if they're right. Once they're
complete and stable, they could enter into HEAD or ams-branch, and the
Maintainers can suggest some changes if they're needed.

Anyway, don't worry about HARD, thanks to Alfred (The Man Who Is Always
Right (TM) ) intervention, I've asked to close the registration process.


Sergio Lopez

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