On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 02:22:33PM +0100, Robert Millan wrote:
> of course, this only makes sense in the context of a configured
> console server:

You must have ignored my previous reply on this issue.

We will not implement those ioctls, and they will certainly not be
implemented in the terminal server (or magic for that matter).

It's also unrelated to a console server.

The issue is between the vga console client that shares the display and
input devices with the X server.  That console client must have a protocol
that allows cooperative console switching

The protocol will be just as we see it convenient and useful, and not be
tied to the ioctl interface.  The corresponding code in XFree86 must be
ported (rewritten).  In XFree86 4.2 and earlier, it was well separated from
the architecture specific code.  If 4.3 doesn't compile, then either the
X people didn't do their job properly by letting architecture specific code
flow into generic code or the Debian package maintainer didn't do his job
properly by messing up the configuration settings (can't blame him, the
configuration in X is a mess).

This bug is a will-not-fix or a non-bug.  See also the savannah task
database, I am sure I have one open for that.


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