Possibly you want to fix your mailer to appreciate `Reply-to' headers.

On Sun, Dec 08, 2002 at 02:21:46AM +0600, Cherry George Mathew wrote:
> start_possible_flame()
> GNU/Hurd ultimately needs to be 'THE OS'. We can't compromise on that,
> can we ??
> end_possible_flame().

I don't know what others think, but I certainly do not see it as a
goal of the GNU system to replace any other free operating system,
whether that is its own Linux-based variant or some BSD.  Not having
more than one approach to solve the same problem is often a bad idea.
What else would have been the reason why the FSF started _both_
Harmony and GNOME back then?

Obviously, the Hurd should be portable, but I have never seen anyone
claim that it is our goal to produce the most portable system that can
ever exist.


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