Hi Zhu,

Zhu Zihao <all_but_l...@163.com> writes:

> What about update emacs-telega to
> 0.8.44(https://github.com/zevlg/telega.el/commit/2d77c131856c9387a28dd6e4a15cef87029c3055)
> ?
> I know the guidelines of Guix is package the stable release of software.
> But I found that the telega in current Guix is partially broken(e.g.
> messages with reactions is displayed as "TODO: messageUnsupported")

I understand your needs but, as I already mentioned in a previous

>> [1] I had a quich chat with Zajcev Evgeny on the telaga Telegram
>> channel and he confirmed that he is still not releasing a new version
>> since he is wating a new official tdlib release

so 0.8.44 is "unstable", as is "unstable" tdlib 1.8.4 as also reported
in bug#57017

> But the author of telega doesn't tag a release frequently. If we only
> use the official release, it will be outdated.

what about to have emacs-telega /and/ tdlib packages using a stable
relase and adding emacs-telega-unstable and tdlib-unstable packages
using newer commits?


Happy hacking! Gio'

Giovanni Biscuolo

Xelera IT Infrastructures

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