Hi Andrè

André A. Gomes <andremegaf...@gmail.com> writes:


> Hi Giovanni,
> Thanks for investigating.  I think you're right.  Either reverting or
> updating the emacs-telega package definition (needs to be tested
> still).

I also updated the related bug#57017: tdlib v.1.8.4 has not been
released yet (see bug#57017 for details), the last stable release of
tdlib is still 1.8.0, and consequently the last stable release of
emacs-telega is still 0.8.03 [1] that is compatible with thed tdlib

> I'd revert it right away, since it's broken as of now.  I don't have
> commit access.  Ludovic, could you please do it?

unfortunately the bug is worst than I imagined: I was (easily) able to
switch my dedicated emacs profile to a previously running version (via
--switch-generation=) and started a new emacs named server

running "M-x telega" I get this in the **Messages** buffer:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

[6]telega-server: annullato
Error running timer ‘telega-server--idle-timer-function’: (error "telega-server 
is not running")

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

("annullato" means aborted)

this is the error I get in ~/.telega/telega-server.log:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

[ 0][t 4][1662729492.673026323][LogEvent.h:135][#1][!Td][&version() < 
static_cast<int32>(Version::Next)]        Wrong version 41

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

AFAIU when I ran telega with the new tdlib verson, the database got
upgraded and the new database version is not compatible with the old
tdlib library; there is an old (Mar 2021) telega.el issue that helped me
understand this one: https://github.com/zevlg/telega.el/issues/276

If I'm not getting it wrong, reverting the "offending" patch and
restoring tdlib to 1.8.0 is not enough for people like us who already
upgraded tdlib (and started telega), we need to restore from backups.


Happy hacking! Gio'

[1] I had a quich chat with Zajcev Evgeny on the telaga Telegram channel
and he confirmed that he is still not releasing a new version since he
is wating a new official tdlib release

Giovanni Biscuolo

Xelera IT Infrastructures

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