Am Mittwoch, dem 13.04.2022 um 10:22 +0200 schrieb Maxime Devos:
> [...]
> Let's test this (in a new REPL with an UTF-8 locale):
> ((@ (ice-9 iconv) string->bytevector) "é" "ANSI_X3.4-1968")
> ice-9/boot-9.scm:1669:16: In procedure raise-exception:
> Throw to key `encoding-error' with args `("put-char" "conversion to
> port encoding failed" 84 #<output: string 7fd5bbc23ee0> #\é)'.
> ((@ (ice-9 iconv) string->bytevector) "é" "ANSI_X3.4-1968" 'substitute)
> $2 = #vu8(63)
> ((@ (rnrs bytevectors) utf8->string) #vu8(63))
> $3 = "?"
> and the other direction:
> ((@ (ice-9 iconv) bytevector->string) #vu8(128) "ANSI_X3.4-1968"
> 'substitute)
> $5 = "�" ;; why #\� and not #\?? I don't know, I guess Guile is
> inconsistent
You are first encoding a non-ASCII byte to ASCII, which has no glyph
for "I have no idea what this is", so a question mark (#\?) is used. 
When converting from invalid ASCII to UTF-8 on the other hand, you do
have #\� as the WTF character, so that is used instead.  This is
entirely consistent :)


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