Hi Maxime, Jacob, and others,

Maxime Devos <maximede...@telenet.be> writes:

> Jacob Hrbek schreef op do 02-12-2021 om 03:58 [+0000]:
>> [...] so that the browser can be a sufficient replacement for Tor
>> Browser Bundle.
> The Tor project advised against using anything but their Tor Browser,
> to avoid fingerprinting. It also advised against customisation, for the
> same reasons. I cannot find the web page explaining the details, but
> <https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-14/> comes close.

I agree with everything Maxime wrote here.  For an in-depth discussion
of the relevant issues, please see:


Regarding this specific issue, see the "Sources of Fingerprinting
Issues" subsection of section 4.6 (Cross-Origin Fingerprinting
Unlinkability) of the document above.


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