Gosh, it has been months. I'm not sure, and I'm pretty mentally spent. On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 2:00 PM zimoun <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear, > > On Sat, 16 May 2020 at 16:59, Josh Marshall < > joshua.r.marshall.1...@gmail.com> wrote: > > > When installing "git:send-email", the dependency "git" is not > > installed. > > It is an eternal question. :-) Should installing the package “python-foo” > or “r-bar” also install the package “python” or the package “r-minimal”? > > Well, the answer seems being: it is up to the user. Because of > diversity. Imagine that I want to install Git version x.y and the Git > package coming with “git:send-email” is at version p.q. Just one > example. > > Therefore, I do not think it can be considered as a bug. > > > Installing this also masks a local installation of git > > masked when running in a foreign distro. The particular failure > > observed is that repos transferred over https no longer worked with > > the error `fatal: unable to find remote helper for 'https'`. > > I am not sure to understand. What do you mean? Could you provide an > example to reproduce? > > > All the best, > simon >