Eric Bavier <> skribis:


> In gnu/system.scm:
>  501: 3 [operating-system-services # # #f]
>  476: 2 [essential-services # # #f]
>  576: 1 [operating-system-etc-service #]
> In gnu/system/nss.scm:
>  217: 0 [name-service-switch->string (# # # # ...)]
> gnu/system/nss.scm:217:19: In procedure name-service-switch->string:
> gnu/system/nss.scm:217:19: In procedure struct_vtable: Wrong type argument in 
> position 1 (expecting struct): (#<<service> type: #<service-type login ...

This looks like another record issue: the code is accessing the
`services' field instead of the `name-service-switch' field, which is
right next to it.

So it looks like there are still stale .go files somewhere being picked
up.  This time it would mean that nss.go is up-to-date and system.go is
stale, since nss.go assumes an offset for `name-service-switch' that is
+1 compared to that of system.go.

Could you maybe try:

  rm -rf ~/.cache/guile
  make clean-go
  strace -f -o log make

and check in `log' whether .go files outside of the build tree are being


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