I looked into how Debian does it. They bundle a configuration file that
sets the correct options.

If you download the "debian" file [0], which includes all of their
packaging for w3m, you can view the file at 'debian/w3mconfig'.

The relevant option is "ssl_verify_server", and it must be set to "1" in
order for w3m to perform verification.

Example with a domain whose certificate is expired:
$ w3m -o ssl_verify_server 1 fmrl.me

Do we ever bundle configuration files in this manner?

Can a wrapper set command-line variables?

I will investigate whether these options can be set at build time.

I don't think we should ship a browser in this state, even if users are
able to configure it properly after installation. w3m is used by other
programs like mutt to render html "under the hood".


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