On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 03:58:21AM -0500, Mark H Weaver wrote:
> In Guix, neither w3m nor emacs-w3m warn me when I visit an https URL
> that uses a server certificate that is both self-signed and expired.
> To make matters worse, if I ask for page information (with the '=' key),
> it tells me that the certificate is valid.
> On Debian, both w3m and emacs-w3m inform me when an SSL certificate is
> invalid in some way, e.g. if it's expired or not signed by a certificate
> authority in my trust store.

w3m can be configured to not verify ssl certificates; but this is not the
case for us. I checked that if the server presents a certificate for a
different domain, there is a message:
   Bad cert ident xxx from yyy: accept? (y/n)

However, the debian w3m asks whether a self-signed certificate should be
accepted. Among the about 30 patches in debian for w3m, the name of only one
is related to ssl; I am attaching it, but it does not seem related to our


Subject: OpenSSL issues
Author: Cristian Rodriguez <crrodrig...@opensuse.org>
Origin: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/141054
Bug-Debian: https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2012-4929

  Mon Nov 12 18:26:45 UTC 2012 - crrodrig...@opensuse.org
  - Due to the "CRIME attack" (CVE-2012-4929) HTTPS clients
    that negotiate TLS-level compression can be abused for
    MITM attacks. (w3m-openssl.patch) 
  - Use SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS if available .

--- w3m.orig/url.c
+++ w3m/url.c
@@ -337,7 +337,15 @@ openSSLHandle(int sock, char *hostname,
            if (strchr(ssl_forbid_method, 'T'))
                option |= SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1;
+       option |= SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION;
        SSL_CTX_set_options(ssl_ctx, option);
+       SSL_CTX_set_mode (ssl_ctx, SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS);
        /* derived from openssl-0.9.5/apps/s_{client,cb}.c */
 #if 1                          /* use SSL_get_verify_result() to verify cert */

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