Follow-up Comment #4, bug #66653 (group groff):

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> The two problems can only be seen by making an amendment to pdfms.tmac.

I'm still unable to provoke the assertion failure, whether I make both changes
to pdfms.tmac, or only the second one.

$ cat pdfms.tmac
.tm DJ loaded
.de I
.de BI
.am @NH
.  nr nh*run 1
.  box @NHpdf
.  dt 1v @NH-end
.de shw
.  pdfbookmark \\n[nh*hl] "\\$*"
.de @NH-end
.  fl
.  box
.  nr nh*run 0
.  chop @NHpdf
.  asciify @NHpdf
.  pdfbookmark \\n[nh*hl] "\\*[@NHpdf]"
.\" .shw \\*[@NHpdf]
$ groff -Tpdf -Kutf8 -ms -M. -mpdfms -pet -ww it.trf | wc
DJ loaded
troff:it.trf:7: warning: special character 'u260E' not defined
    171    2017   16989
$ groff-latest -Tpdf -Kutf8 -ms -M. -mpdfms -pet -ww it.trf | wc
DJ loaded
troff:it.trf:7: warning: special character 'u260E' not defined
     82     231    2167
$ sed 3,8d pdfms.tmac > pdfms2.tmac
$ groff -Tpdf -Kutf8 -ms -M. -mpdfms2 -pet -ww it.trf | wc
DJ loaded
troff:it.trf:7: warning: special character 'u260E' not defined
    171    2014   16983
$ groff-latest -Tpdf -Kutf8 -ms -M. -mpdfms2 -pet -ww it.trf | wc
DJ loaded
troff:it.trf:7: warning: special character 'u260E' not defined
     80     227    2164

My it.trf is unchanged from the one attached to this ticket.

The -pet options seem unnecessary for this input file (and indeed, I get the
same results with or without them), but as you supplied them, I did too to try
to mimic your test as closely as possible.


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