Follow-up Comment #3, bug #66653 (group groff):

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> testing with any other ms documents you have would be appreciated

I have none, sorry, or I'd try it on them.

> The warning you get running it.trf is because it is a UTF-8
> document, so it needs preconv as well.

Ah, yes, I should have picked up on that.

However, invoking preconv merely changes it to a different warning.  (My
August groff build generates a substantially smaller PDF than groff 1.23, but
both give the same warning.)

$ groff -Tpdf -Kutf8 -ms -M. -mpdfms it.trf | wc
DJ loaded
troff:it.trf:7: warning: special character 'u260E' not defined
    171    2017   16989
$ groff-latest -Tpdf -Kutf8 -ms -M. -mpdfms it.trf | wc
DJ loaded
troff:it.trf:7: warning: special character 'u260E' not defined
     82     231    2167

> I can't remember the previous bug number which may be the same
> issue for the core dump.

With the full assertion text now at hand, I surmise you refer to bug #65322.


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