Update of bug #66174 (group groff): Item Group: Documentation => Incorrect behaviour Status: In Progress => Invalid Open/Closed: Open => Closed
_______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comment #4: Oh, I'm wrong! Or, rather, _groff_mdoc_(7) is less poorly documented than I thought. The information is there. It's just buried under bad pedagogy. But it *is* there. -width ⟨string⟩ If ⟨string⟩ starts with a ‘.’ (dot) immediately followed by a valid mdoc macro name, interpret ⟨string⟩ and use the width of the result. Almost all lists in this document use this option. Example: .Bl -tag -width ".Fl test Ao Ar string Ac" .It Fl test Ao Ar string Ac This is a longer sentence to show how the .Fl width flag works in combination with a tag list. .El gives: -test ⟨string⟩ This is a longer sentence to show how the -width flag works in combination with a tag list. (Note that the current state of mdoc is saved before ⟨string⟩ is interpreted; afterward, all variables are restored again. However, boxes (used for enclosures) can’t be saved in GNU troff(1); as a consequence, arguments must always be balanced to avoid nasty errors. For example, do not write ‘.Ao Ar string’ but ‘.Ao Ar string Xc’ instead if you really need only an opening angle bracket.) Otherwise, if ⟨string⟩ is a valid numeric expression (with a scaling indicator other than ‘u’), use that value for indentation. The most useful scaling indicators are ‘m’ and ‘n’, specifying the so‐called Em and En square. This is approximately the width of the letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ respectively of the current font (for nroff output, both scaling indicators give the same values). If ⟨string⟩ isn’t a numeric expression, it is tested whether it is an mdoc macro name, and the default width value associated with this macro is used. Finally, if all tests fail, the width of ⟨string⟩ (typeset with a fixed‐width font) is taken as the width. If a width is not specified for the tag list type, ‘6n’ is used. If you can get through all that, then _groff_ is rendering the _erb3.1_(1) man page exactly as documented. So I was also wrong that the "string" argument to the "-width" option can be interpreted as two different things. It's actually three. Whee! <facepalm> Yeah, it's *so unfair* that _mdoc_ didn't just eat all of _man_'s lunch and leave it whimpering on the schoolroom floor. Whatever. Considering design decisions like this, the world dodged a bullet. I'd like to do editorial violence to the _groff_mdoc_(7) page but that will have to wait for _groff_ 1.25 at the earliest. Closing as invalid. I ask again that your report this problem to the Ruby developers. They could, ya know, switch to _man_(7)... 😈 _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?66174> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/
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