Update of bug #66174 (group groff): Item Group: Warning/Suspicious behaviour => Documentation Status: None => In Progress Assigned to: None => gbranden Summary: [mdoc] wrong interpretation of '.Bl ... -width "long string"' => [mdoc] `Bl` macro's `-width` option poorly documented
_______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comment #2: _mdoc_(7)'s `Bl` macro is poorly documented. It says that the `-width` "option" takes an argument of type "<string>". That is not correct. _mdoc_(7) is a DWIM system; it attempts to parse that argument as a numeric expression, and if that fails, _then_ falls back to interpreting it as a string whose formatted width is to be measured with the `\w` escape sequence. "1234567890123" *is* a valid numeric expression. It is a large integer. Integer overflow no longer renders a numeric expression erroneous in GNU _troff_, so the `\B` test passes even though the magnitude is too large (it clamps at the maximum representable integer). https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/groff.git/tree/tmac/doc.tmac?h=1.23.0#n3511 I'll update _groff_mdoc_(7) and maybe add an attempt at a helpful warning to the package. I further note that none of this is _groff_-istic; formatting the page with 4.4BSD-Lite2's _mdoc_ is a horror show, too. Moreover, _groff_mdoc_(7) itself and the _mandoc_ project led by Ingo Schwarze also exhibit these semantics. Observe: $ grep -- '-width [0-9]' *.[0-9] apropos.1:.Bl -tag -width 3n -offset 3n -compact man.7:.Bl -tag -width 3n man.cgi.3:.Bl -tag -width 1n man.cgi.3:.Bl -tag -width 1n man.cgi.3:.Bl -tag -width 1n man.cgi.3:.Bl -tag -width 1n man.options.1:.Bl -tag -width 3n mandoc.1:.Bl -dash -offset 2n -width 2n -compact mandoc.db.5:.Bl -dash -compact -offset 2n -width 1n mandoc.db.5:.Bl -dash -compact -offset 2n -width 1n mandoc.db.5:.Bl -dash -compact -offset 2n -width 1n mandoc.db.5:.Bl -dash -compact -offset 2n -width 1n mandoc.db.5:.Bl -dash -compact -offset 2n -width 1n mandoc.db.5:.Bl -dash -compact -offset 2n -width 1n mandoc.db.5:.Bl -dash -compact -offset 2n -width 1n mandoc.db.5:.Bl -dash -compact -offset 2n -width 1n mandoc.db.5:.Bl -dash -compact -offset 2n -width 1n mandoc_dbg_init.3:.Bl -tag -width 1n mandoc_escape.3:.Bl -dash -compact -width 2n mandoc_escape.3:.Bl -tag -width 2n mandoc_escape.3:.Bl -dash -compact -width 2n mandoc_escape.3:.Bl -tag -width 2n mandoc_escape.3:.Bl -bullet -width 2n mandoc_escape.3:.Bl -tag -width 2n mandoc_html.3:.Bl -tag -width 1n -offset indent mdoc.7:.Bl -tag -width 3n mdoc.7:.Bl -tag -width 13n -offset indent mdoc.7:.Bl -tag -width 13n -offset indent mdoc.7:.Bl -tag -width 12n -offset indent mdoc.7:.Bl -tag -width 1n roff.7:.Bl -tag -width ".Bl -tag -width 2i" -offset indent -compact roff.7:.It Li \&.Bl -tag -width 2i roff.7:.Bl -tag -width 2n -compact tbl.7:.Bl -tag -width 2n tbl.7:.Bl -tag -width 2n It may need to be explained to non-_roff_ experts that putting an integer in quotation marks doesn't type-convert it to a string. The following patch fixes the page. Please consider passing it along to the Ruby package maintainers (or Ruby's upstream team). $ diff -u ATTIC/erb2.7.1.old ATTIC/erb2.7.1 --- ATTIC/erb2.7.1.old 2024-10-14 15:36:59.690753390 -0500 +++ ATTIC/erb2.7.1 2024-10-14 15:17:40.968047074 -0500 @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ .Nm Ruby . .Pp .Sh OPTIONS -.Bl -tag -width "1234567890123" -compact +.Bl -tag -width "\&1234567890123" -compact .Pp .It Fl -version Prints the version of Alternatively, since that string appears nowhere in the page text, the page authors appear to be taking the long way around to get this outcome: $ diff -u ATTIC/erb2.7.1.old ATTIC/erb2.7.1 --- ATTIC/erb2.7.1.old 2024-10-14 15:36:59.690753390 -0500 +++ ATTIC/erb2.7.1 2024-10-14 15:41:23.369518041 -0500 @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ .Nm Ruby . .Pp .Sh OPTIONS -.Bl -tag -width "1234567890123" -compact +.Bl -tag -width 13n -compact .Pp .It Fl -version Prints the version of _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?66174> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/
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