Update of bug #65716 (group groff):

                  Status:               Need Info => None                   


Follow-up Comment #5:

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> Werner put that line in when he first checked in the script, in 2005.
> Can/should we do anything about this?

I think as an experiment, I'm going to try removing this.  As you note, it
should improve font coverage considerably, and the BMP Private Use Area (like
the ones in the upper planes) is not defined as "never use".

Private-use characters are assigned Unicode code points whose interpretation
is not specified by this standard and whose use may be determined by private
agreement among cooperating users. These characters are designated for private
use and do not have defined, interpretable semantics except by private

I reckon if we choose to cooperate with glyphlist.txt for the purpose of
rendering fonts encoded compatibly with it, that's a perfectly cromulent use
of the PUA.


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