Follow-up Comment #3, bug #65961 (group groff):

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> Not sure I agree with you this time, Dave.

I'm not always right!

> if it's a bug, then it looks to me like it's a bug in _pre-grohtml_
> for passing empty rectangular regions of the page image to
> _pnmcrop_ in the first place.

Makes sense.

> if it's correct then _pnmcrop_ is doing what we ask of it, and
> throwing a diagnostic when it _can't_ do what we're asking of
> it (crop an uncroppable image).

Be that as it may, pnmcrop is _also_ throwing the diagnostic on images that do
have content: processing the latest with the latest grohtml produces the
diagnostic 59 times with my version of netpbm (10.70.0), even though all 59
images generated have content (per comment 1 of bug #65936).


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