Update of bug #65961 (group groff):

                 Summary: pre-html.cpp: use option "-blank-image=pass" for
"pnmcrop" to avoid  warnings => pre-html.cpp: suppress spurious warnings from
buggy pnmcrop


Follow-up Comment #1:

As Ingo has said more than once, silencing warnings on its own should never be
the goal.  Dealing with the situation that provokes the warning should be the

In this case we're faced with a buggy pnmcrop that generates spurious
warnings.  But groff cannot (easily, or perhaps at all) distinguish between a
legitimate and a spurious warning from another package.  And some other bug
could certainly result in a malformed image where that pnmcrop warning is
legitimate, which would then be lost if the warning were suppressed

The pnmcrop bug is unfortunate, but suppressing the warning would require a
plan to make sure it happens only in cases where it's known to be spurious. 
The proposal presented here does not do that, so I'm removing it from the the


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