Simon Josefsson wrote: > > 'valgrindtests' would be a hack. > > How so?
Because glueing together two words is not common in the English language. > However I also realize that the name is quite well established and has > been in the gnulib manual for a long time. Yes. > >> The naming was a clever hack long time ago > > > > What did this naming attempt to achieve? > > I must admit I do not remember fully, but I recall it had something to > do with how gnulib-tool automatically added modules and its > makefile/autoconf snippets to the standard invocation process by > default, and there wasn't a simple way to achieve that except by naming > the module *-tests. Oh, I see. In a gnulib testdir created without --single-configure, you wanted the configure-time expansion to occur in the gltests/configure but not in the main configure. It does not work this way any more. Now, the configure-time expansion occurs in both the gltests/configure and in the main configure. Sort of what you would get by adding to the module description Applicability: all You can still get the old behaviour, by adding to the module description Applicability: tests But then, in a gnulib import without tests, a user would again get a dummy 'tests' directory. So we would be back to square 1. Bruno