Hi Ondrej,

> To be honest, I did not test the automake stuff, I only tested the 
> functionality via coreutils.

Testing via a Gnulib testdir is also necessary:
  * For testing the module descriptions. When you test via coreutils, you
    are testing only a specific use. You will rarely detect a missing module
    dependency when testing via coreutils only.
  * It encourages adding unit tests to Gnulib. These unit tests in return
    make it less important to test via coreutils.

> In coreutils they have their own xattr.m4 which basically does the same.

Then the one in coreutils will have to be deleted, because it conflicts
with the one from Gnulib.

> Do I need to resubmit another patch with your changes included?

For Gnulib, I pushed my change. For coreutils, I don't know what you have
submitted so far.


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