Stefanbienert <> writes:

> Hi again,
> so how am I supposed to get Richard's code? Just patch my own copy of
> the  public Gnulib repository? And then the task is to apply the
> comments from the post to it? I think this should be feasible...I just
> need a little bit of time for it.
> I still have a question on licensing. As far as I see, Gnulib is

No, each module have its own license, see the 'License:' header in the
modules/ files.  Many modules are under the GPL.

> My project is GPL. Is it really legally OK to copy LGPL code verbatim
> into my project?

As Karl answered, yes.  If you use gnulib-tool to import files, it will
make sure imported files have the correct license boiler plate texts.


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