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bug#48631: allpatches failed checksum test
Jalim Singh
bug#48631: allpatches failed checksum test
Paul Eggert
bug#48355: Reporting bugs
bug#48355: Reporting bugs
Pádraig Brady
bug#48353: result of date is wrong if Etc/GMT is used
Thomas Güttinger
bug#48353: result of date is wrong if Etc/GMT is used
Paul Eggert
bug#48329: The xargs -r, --no-run-if-empty Option Is Ignored When a Delimiter Is Passed
Kurt von Laven
bug#48330: The xargs -r, --no-run-if-empty Option Is Ignored When a Delimiter Is Passed
Kurt von Laven
bug#48330: The xargs -r, --no-run-if-empty Option Is Ignored When a Delimiter Is Passed
Bernhard Voelker
bug#48248: tr docs: mention what to expect now vs. future
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#48248: tr docs: mention what to expect now vs. future
Paul Eggert
bug#48189: ginstall: memory leak when omitting a directory
TU Haoxin
bug#48189: ginstall: memory leak when omitting a directory
Paul Eggert
bug#48189: ginstall: memory leak when omitting a directory
Pádraig Brady
bug#48171: Possible Bug in comm 8.32
Jon Forrest
bug#48171: Possible Bug in comm 8.32
Pádraig Brady
bug#48171: Possible Bug in comm 8.32
Jon Forrest
bug#48164: cp --reflink=never no longer works as expected
Chris Murphy
bug#48164: cp --reflink=never no longer works as expected
Pádraig Brady
bug#48106: bug: touch utility does not handle file create error properly
bug#48106: bug: touch utility does not handle file create error properly
Paul Eggert
bug#48085: date -d greater than 23 years ago gives error invalid date
Mark Krenz
bug#48085: date -d greater than 23 years ago gives error invalid date
Mark Krenz
bug#48085: date -d greater than 23 years ago gives error invalid date
Mark Krenz
bug#48085: date -d greater than 23 years ago gives error invalid date
Paul Eggert
bug#48070: sort.exe cannot do ascii ordering but help says it can.
Peter SMITH1 (contractor)
bug#48070: sort.exe cannot do ascii ordering but help says it can.
Bernhard Voelker
bug#48036: [PATCH] copy: do not refuse to copy a swap file
Kamil Dudka
bug#48036: [PATCH] copy: do not refuse to copy a swap file
Paul Eggert
bug#48034: git coreutils ./bootstrap failure
David L. Craig
bug#48034: git coreutils ./bootstrap failure
Paul Eggert
bug#47940: tests/tail-2/inotify-dir-recreate.sh FAILs for remote filesystems that passes is_local_dir_
Carl Dong
bug#47891: sort --numeric-sort-Extra-Strength
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#47891: sort --numeric-sort-Extra-Strength
Paul Eggert
bug#47883: sort -o loses data when it crashes
Peter van Dijk
bug#47883: sort -o loses data when it crashes
Paul Eggert
bug#48002: Gnu design flaw fixes hindered by Gnu (sexism?) biases
L A Walsh
bug#47883: sort -o loses data when it crashes
Paul Eggert
bug#48002: unmerging separate bug reports about cp etc.
Paul Eggert
bug#47859: Additional seq outlandish example: seq 0 dangers
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#47859: Additional seq outlandish example: seq 0 dangers
Erik Auerswald
bug#47859: Additional seq outlandish example: seq 0 dangers
Bernhard Voelker
bug#47858: Document that FULLWIDTH DIGITs boggle coreutils brain currently
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#47777: Feature request
Stuart Blake Tener
bug#47777: Feature request
Pádraig Brady
bug#47777: Feature request
Stuart Blake Tener
bug#47777: Feature request
Bernhard Voelker
bug#47700: Backup options vs. file extensions
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#47703: Mention if ln -s needs -r, or ln -r needs -s
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#47703: Mention if ln -s needs -r, or ln -r needs -s
Pádraig Brady
bug#47703: Same category as "ln <dir> <symdir>" (was: bug#47703: Mention if ln -s needs -r, or ln -r needs -s)
L A Walsh
bug#47702: wc man page: first you are talking about bytes, then you are talking about characters
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#47702: wc man page: first you are talking about bytes, then you are talking about characters
Pádraig Brady
bug#47701: Add ln --dry-run
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#47476: relative date of -1 month shows the wrong month
Lars Noodén
bug#47476: relative date of -1 month shows the wrong month
Pádraig Brady
bug#47476: relative date of -1 month shows the wrong month
Chris Elvidge
bug#47476: relative date of -1 month shows the wrong month
Bob Proulx
bug#47412: env: fragile argument parsing
Frank Busse
bug#47412: env: fragile argument parsing
Pádraig Brady
bug#47412: env: fragile argument parsing
Paul Eggert
bug#47412: env: fragile argument parsing
Paul Eggert
bug#47412: env: fragile argument parsing
Paul Eggert
bug#47412: env: fragile argument parsing
Paul Eggert
bug#47412: env: fragile argument parsing
Pádraig Brady
bug#47384: [PATCH 1/2] hostname: fix a memory leak with -Dlint
Kamil Dudka
bug#47383: [PATCH 2/2] ln: fix memory leaks in do_link()
Kamil Dudka
bug#47383: [PATCH 2/2] ln: fix memory leaks in do_link()
Paul Eggert
bug#47383: [PATCH 2/2] ln: fix memory leaks in do_link()
Kamil Dudka
bug#47384: [PATCH 1/2] hostname: fix a memory leak with -Dlint
Paul Eggert
bug#47384: [PATCH 1/2] hostname: fix a memory leak with -Dlint
Kamil Dudka
bug#47384: [PATCH 1/2] hostname: fix a memory leak with -Dlint
Paul Eggert
bug#47384: [PATCH 1/2] hostname: fix a memory leak with -Dlint
Kamil Dudka
bug#47384: [PATCH 1/2] hostname: fix a memory leak with -Dlint
Paul Eggert
bug#47384: [PATCH 1/2] hostname: fix a memory leak with -Dlint
Paul Eggert
bug#47380: Atomic install of files
Дилян Палаузов
bug#47361: mv: extended attributes discarded when moving to a different volume on macOS
Daniel Smedegaard Buus
bug#47353: Numbered backups also need kept-new-versions else will grow out of control
Dan Jacobson
bug#47353: Numbered backups also need kept-new-versions else will grow out of control
Chris Elvidge
bug#47353: Numbered backups also need kept-new-versions else will grow out of control
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#47353: Numbered backups also need kept-new-versions else will grow out of control
Bob Proulx
bug#47353: Numbered backups also need kept-new-versions else will grow out of control
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#47353: Numbered backups also need kept-new-versions else will grow out of control
L A Walsh
bug#47352: Numbered backups also need kept-new-versions else will grow out of control
Dan Jacobson
bug#47348: Possible bug coreutils : no cat command
Luís via GNU coreutils Bug Reports
bug#47348: Possible bug coreutils : no cat command
Bernhard Voelker
bug#47348: Possible bug coreutils : no cat command
Paul Eggert
bug#47324: Missing information in documentation
Walter Harms via GNU coreutils Bug Reports
bug#47324: Missing information in documentation
Bernhard Voelker
bug#47324: AW: bug#47324: Missing information in documentation
Walter Harms via GNU coreutils Bug Reports
bug#47324: AW: bug#47324: Missing information in documentation
Bernhard Voelker
bug#47324: Missing information in documentation
L A Walsh
bug#47324: Missing information in documentation
Paul Eggert
bug#47324: Missing information in documentation
Glenn Golden
bug#47324: Missing information in documentation
L A Walsh
bug#47322: unrecognized file system type 0x794c7630
Felipe Lima
bug#47322: unrecognized file system type 0x794c7630
Bernhard Voelker
bug#47246: pr -f does not pause
Erik Auerswald
bug#47243: pr lacks -p
Eric Blake
bug#47243: pr lacks -p
Paul Eggert
bug#47103: numfmt: invalid suffix 'k'
Daniel Callejas Sevilla
bug#47103: numfmt: invalid suffix 'k'
Sven Köhler
bug#47103: numfmt: invalid suffix 'k'
Pádraig Brady
bug#47103: numfmt: invalid suffix 'k'
Sven Köhler
bug#47103: numfmt: invalid suffix 'k'
Pádraig Brady
bug#47103: numfmt: invalid suffix 'k'
Glenn Golden
bug#47085: du: why does 'usage' show prefixes 'Z' or 'Y' if they are disallowed?
L A Walsh
bug#47085: du: why does 'usage' show prefixes 'Z' or 'Y' if they are disallowed?
Erik Auerswald
bug#47085: du: why does 'usage' show prefixes 'Z' or 'Y' if they are disallowed?
Glenn Golden
bug#47085: du: why does 'usage' show prefixes 'Z' or 'Y' if they are disallowed?
Paul Eggert
bug#47085: du: why does 'usage' show prefixes 'Z' or 'Y' if they are disallowed?
Glenn Golden
bug#47059: bug in cp removing destination file when it can't be replaced due to cross-volume linking
L A Walsh
bug#47059: (bug in cp removing destination file when it can't be replaced due to cross-volume linking)
L A Walsh
bug#47059: bug in cp removing destination file when it can't be replaced due to cross-volume linking
Paul Eggert
bug#47023: df utilility displays G instead of GM as unit size for Gigabytes in power of 1000
Philippe Bénézech via GNU coreutils Bug Reports
bug#47023: df utilility displays G instead of GM as unit size for Gigabytes in power of 1000
Pádraig Brady
bug#47023: df utilility displays G instead of GM as unit size for Gigabytes in power of 1000
Paul Eggert
bug#47023: df utilility displays G instead of GM as unit size for Gigabytes in power of 1000
Glenn Golden
bug#47023: df utilility displays G instead of GM as unit size for Gigabytes in power of 1000
L A Walsh
bug#47023: df utilility displays G instead of GM as unit size for Gigabytes in power of 1000
Glenn Golden
bug#47023: df utilility displays G instead of GM as unit size for Gigabytes in power of 1000
L A Walsh
bug#47023: df utilility displays G instead of GM as unit size for Gigabytes in power of 1000
Paul Eggert
bug#47023: df utilility displays G instead of GM as unit size for Gigabytes in power of 1000
L A Walsh
bug#47014: Design flaw: incompatible touch '-f' gnu-option causes loss of (meta)data by default
L A Walsh
bug#47014: Design flaw: incompatible touch '-f' gnu-option causes loss of (meta)data by default
Paul Eggert
bug#47014: Design flaw: incompatible touch '-f' gnu-option causes loss of (meta)data by default
L A Walsh
bug#47014: Design flaw: incompatible touch '-f' gnu-option causes loss of (meta)data by default
Paul Eggert
bug#47014: Design flaw: incompatible touch '-f' gnu-option causes loss of (meta)data by default
L A Walsh
bug#47014: Design flaw: incompatible touch '-f' gnu-option causes loss of (meta)data by default
Paul Eggert
bug#47014: Design flaw: incompatible touch '-f' gnu-option causes loss of (meta)data by default
L A Walsh
bug#47014: Design flaw: incompatible touch '-f' gnu-option causes loss of (meta)data by default
Paul Eggert
bug#47014: Design flaw: incompatible touch '-f' gnu-option causes loss of (meta)data by default
L A Walsh
bug#46815: cp integer overflow in progress (time remaining)
Ronald Knol
bug#46815: cp integer overflow in progress (time remaining)
Paul Eggert
bug#46815: cp integer overflow in progress (time remaining)
Paul Eggert
bug#46808: Man page of "tail"
bug#46808: Man page of "tail"
Paul Eggert
bug#46808: Man page of "tail"
Andreas Schwab
bug#46808: Man page of "tail"
Brendan O'Dea
bug#46808: Man page of "tail"
Reuti via GNU coreutils Bug Reports
bug#46749: Fedora 33 from USB - "df" bug
Ray Holme
bug#46723: Feature request: Add -i option to rmdir
John Wiersba via GNU coreutils Bug Reports
bug#46720: bug report
Joshua Krämer
bug#45358: Wrong CA certificate on translationproject.org
Benno Schulenberg
bug#45358: Wrong CA certificate on translationproject.org
Grigoriy Sokolik
bug#46613: [PATCH] stat: add support for the exfat file system
Kamil Dudka
bug#46613: [PATCH] stat: add support for the exfat file system
Pádraig Brady
bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Leonard Janis Robert König
bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Erik Auerswald
bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Leonard Janis Robert König
bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Erik Auerswald
bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Leonard Janis Robert König
bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Erik Auerswald
bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Leonard Janis Robert König
bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Erik Auerswald
bug#46422: [PATCH] Re: bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Erik Auerswald
bug#46422: [PATCH] Re: bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Erik Auerswald
bug#46422: [PATCH] Re: bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Leonard Janis Robert König
bug#46422: [PATCH] Re: bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Erik Auerswald
bug#46422: [PATCH] Re: bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Leonard Janis Robert König
bug#46422: [PATCH] Re: bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Erik Auerswald
bug#46422: [PATCH] Re: bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Leonard Janis Robert König
bug#46422: [PATCH] Re: bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Pádraig Brady
bug#46422: [PATCH] Re: bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Erik Auerswald
bug#46422: [PATCH] Re: bug#46422: 'pr' screws up tabstops in multicolumn outpt?
Pádraig Brady
bug#46346: wc --human-readable or --verbose
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#46346: wc --human-readable or --verbose
Pádraig Brady
bug#46346: wc --human-readable or --verbose
Chris Elvidge
bug#46169: Parallelize merge sort
Ole Tange
bug#46169: Parallelize merge sort
Paul Eggert
bug#46060: Offer ls --limit=...
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#46060: Offer ls --limit=...
Erik Auerswald
bug#46060: Offer ls --limit=...
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#46060: Offer ls --limit=...
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#46060: Offer ls --limit=...
Paul Eggert
bug#46060: Offer ls --limit=...
積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
bug#46048: split -n K/N loses data, sum of output files is smaller than input file.
Paul Hirst
bug#46048: split -n K/N loses data, sum of output files is smaller than input file.
Pádraig Brady
bug#46048: split -n K/N loses data, sum of output files is smaller than input file.
Pádraig Brady
bug#46048: split -n K/N loses data, sum of output files is smaller than input file.
Paul Eggert
bug#46048: split -n K/N loses data, sum of output files is smaller than input file.
Pádraig Brady
bug#46048: split -n K/N loses data, sum of output files is smaller than input file.
Pádraig Brady
bug#45987: Why can't I exclude when using ** with du?
Maurice R Volaski
bug#45987: Why can't I exclude when using ** with du?
Pádraig Brady
bug#45987: Why can't I exclude when using ** with du?
Maurice R Volaski
bug#45987: Why can't I exclude when using ** with du?
Pádraig Brady
bug#45924: RFE: rmdir -r: recursively remove [empty] directories under the target.
L A Walsh
bug#45924: RFE: rmdir -r: recursively remove [empty] directories under the target.
Paul Eggert
bug#45924: RFE: rmdir -r: recursively remove [empty] directories under the target.
L A Walsh
bug#45924: RFE: rmdir -r: recursively remove [empty] directories under the target.
Ulf Zibis
bug#45924: RFE: rmdir -r: recursively remove [empty] directories under the target.
Paul Eggert
bug#45924: RFE: rmdir -r: recursively remove [empty] directories under the target.
L A Walsh
bug#45924: RFE: rmdir -r: recursively remove [empty] directories under the target.
Pádraig Brady
bug#45924: RFE: rmdir -r: recursively remove [empty] directories under the target.
Paul Eggert
bug#45890: Printf bug GNU coreutils 8.30/8.32
Andrea Dari via GNU coreutils Bug Reports
bug#45890: Printf bug GNU coreutils 8.30/8.32
Andrea Dari via GNU coreutils Bug Reports
bug#45886: mkdir -m argument does not work correctly, applies incorrect permissions
Davin McCall
bug#14371: bug#45886: mkdir -m argument does not work correctly, applies incorrect permissions
Paul Eggert
Bernhard Voelker
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