At this point I confess I don't know what changes would be needed for GNU 'who'. I see a difference of opinion as to whether 'w' works. There seem to be multiple mechanisms in play (utmp, wtmp, wtmpdb, lastlog2, logind, maybe others?) and I don't know when to use which, or even how to use them except for the traditional utmp/wtmp files.

Perhaps whoever has changed the longstanding API (is that Thorsten Kukuk, or someone else? anyway I'll cc Thorsten) can chime in with a proposed patch to bleeding-edge GNU coreutils. This would probably mean a patch to Gnulib's readutmp module, which already is supposed to work with systemd's new utmp interfaces but I guess some people are reporting problems with it? (This is unclear.)

For what it's worth, I briefly looked at <> and didn't see a patch there. So perhaps the problem is already addressed in bleeding-edge Coreutils?

Without some actionable advice from experts in this area, I don't see this portability issue being fixed any time soon.

For now, I've merged the following GNU Coreutils bug reports as they all seem to be the same topic.

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