savedifs=${IFS@A} savedifs=${savedifs:- unset -v IFS } str=1,2,3 IFS=, arr=( $str ) joined=${arr[*]} eval "$savedifs"
alternative middleline sep=, str=1$sep2$sep3 IFS=$sep arr=( $str ) joined=${arr[*]} ( at var=assignment , quotes dont matter , excepts to bind spaced code together as cmd or cmd args , or array=( here element ) , use quotes around the args , eg "$cmd" "$arg" "${argarr[@]}" ; arr=( "$var" "${vararr[@]}" ) ) to join via first of IFS , as one-string , ${arr[*]} to join the elements as args , "${arr[@]}" to do this via printf , two cmds are needed ( there are serval approaches ) one is cutting runaway , { printf -v joined2 %s, "${arr[@]}" joined2=${joined2%,} } with printf only , and to stdout { printf %s "$arr" printf "$sep%s" "${arr[@]:1}" # -- same as ( second printf ) # printf ,%s "${arr[@]:1}" } there is alternatively an inline way to split strings containing quotes and backslashes eg { str="1" "2" "3"' declare -a "split=( $str )" } greets On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, William Park <> wrote: > Hi all, > > Is there fast way of splitting and joining of strings in the recent Bash > versions? > > For splitting, I'm aware of > old="a,b,c" > IFS=, read -a arr <<< "$old" > > For joining, > new=$(IFS=,; echo "${arr[*]}") > or > new=$(IFS=,; echo "$*") > > >