Hi Michael, all,
Am 10.03.22 um 17:00 schrieb Michael Meeks:
Hi Andreas,
On 10/03/2022 16:15, Andreas Mantke wrote:
Am 10.03.22 um 15:57 schrieb Florian Effenberger:
the 4 full board members participating in the vote were non-bidders.
In alphabetical order: Caolán, Emiliano, László and Paolo.
As for the 2021 budget, find the vote result at
are there comprehensible reasons why the voters on the budget items are
hidden in the wardrobe?
Is there a reason you're particularly concerned about this item
and not previous ones reported in the same way ?
I would have asked in the same way but I was busy with other projects.
The question apply to all decisions where one (or more than one) member
of the board is linked to the contractor. Thus the information should be
given on every decision taken in private.
And the concerns apply to all similar contracts / decisions.
I'm happy to read about the participants of the budget decision. It's
not about good or bad in detail. It's about the issue that it is not a
process of good governance, if some participants possibly have interests
on both sides of one table.
One thing that interests me is that the final sum is not included
in the public decision; that might be something to consider for the
future - I see no really good reason why it shouldn't be.
## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog
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