Hi Cor,

Am 09.03.22 um 13:31 schrieb Cor Nouws:
Hi Andras,

Thanks for your mail and interest.

Andreas Mantke wrote on 08/03/2022 18:34:

two questions:
a) who has participated in the voting?
b) who has participated in the decision about the budget item and its

I think this information is important according to the CoI rules of TDF.

As BoD we are always focused on working conform the rules, including
CoI, and in a respectful way. You know that in the board we are pretty
keen on that.
Once I read your answer I'm not fully convinced that the whole board is
following the rules of compliance wholeheartedly.
Sharing details on how we complied to a subset of the rules, for in
this case tenders, is odd IMO. And also adding extra layers of
administration etc. of which I'm not a great fan.

I hope you can understand this,

Sorry, but I see no reason here why the participants of the decision
making had to be hidden in the wardrobe.

And I think it is no good governance, if those, who decide on the amount
of budget items, (or their employer or contractor) bid on such budget items.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog

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