Am 13.01.22 um 20:56 schrieb Michael Meeks:
Oh - wow, I didn't know that. Wow - that is awful. That crushed my
hopes for a good Firebird based future.
So what other options are there for a sensibly licensed, in-process
database ?
Does PostgreSQL do it - could we run the server in a thread
cross-platform, can we get its data into a file ? ;-) I guess we should
prolly re-do the analysis of alternatives here to work out if there is a
sensible way forward; but that belongs on the dev-list - and it's a big
job to even know what we might want to do.
Do we really need an embedded database? The unique selling point of base
seems to me that it's the only free DB frontend developing software around
(besides "real" software development environments). So maybe we should
concentrate on connectors, not on an embedded database engines which in
most cases could be replaced by a calc table - and if not, then by mariaDB.
just my 2c
(I know its's just ancillary and not the point you want to made, but scnr)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann
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