On 13.1.2022 21.56, Michael Meeks wrote:
On 13/01/2022 12:35, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Endian-ness for embedded Firebird seems to be the elephant in the room
here. ODB files made on MacOS can not easily be shared with other
Oh - wow, I didn't know that. Wow - that is awful. That crushed my
hopes for a good Firebird based future.
Alex: seems the problem existed before Aug 2016, but not anymore. See
https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72987#c14 and
comment 17 which refer to
Quoting from Lionel's comment 17:
'The problem was fixed by saving (within the odb zip structure) firebird
data in an endianess-independent format, called the "backup" format, in
a file with extension ".fbk".'
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