Hi Michael, Thanks for your prompt reply.
Il 05/01/22 21:02, Michael Weghorn ha scritto:
Can you possibly give a few more details on why you're considering it as another candidate for the attic?
Oh, that's quite simple and probably at the same time very naive: mainly because I was unaware of the facts you mentioned.
The absence of a release published in the Play Store (which is the main venue, to my perspective, to reach for users), its known limitations, the need of a reworking of the interface to get some interest back to the app and the appearance of a successful substitute app (the Collabora Office app you cited yourself) got me to the wrong conclusion, that it wouldn't be worked on and further supported, and no other interests were on my radar.
Happy to know I was wrong, and that has been worked on in the last year :) Thanks to you (and by extension, to anyone else worked on it) for your efforts on the project :)
But at least in the status quo, my personal opinion so far would be that it's not the time to put LO Android Viewer to the attic as of now.
Well, I have to agree with you; after your explanation, it seems it does not qualify for the attic.
PS: As a side note, given that Android Viewer is contained in the "core" git repo, just like the desktop version, it would have to be clarified what "putting to the attic" would mean in detail for that specific case.
Indeed, that's something we didn't envision in the proposal; thanks for pointing it out.
My first though about a general process to atticize core code is at least cumbersome and require much more work than leaving it there (and I can only understand high level development, as I am not a developer). What's your take?
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