Hi Marco,

Thank you for your questions!

There has been a lot of positive changes regarding the Online in the
last year; like that the CODE docker images have no limits of users or
documents any more; that the documentation is freely available to
anyone at

  https://sdk.collaboraonline.com/ ;

that a support channel for CODE has been set up:


and that we (Collabora) have started actively supporting the
LibreOffice Technology brand in Collabora Online:


and on our webpages:


Regarding your concerns - please read inline:

Marco Marinello píše v Po 20. 12. 2021 v 20:34 +0100:

> I have already said this many times but I want to repeat it: it has
> to be clear (and hopefully stated by legal contracts) to the
> companies working in the LibreOffice ecosystem that they cannot wake
> up one day and bring their development outside the LibreOffice
> project. They cannot stay with one foot inside the ecosystem,
> contributing to it, and with the other one bringing their development
> effort outside. This is something the next board should focus on.

Given that we are doing FLOSS (Free / Libre / Open Source Software)
here, I wonder how would you like to frame such a legal contract, given
that the "right to fork" is one of the basic Free Software freedoms?  
And what if it was not a company, but another group (do you remember

>From my point of view, rather than legal contracts, a much better
strategy is to listen to what the ecosystem companies or other
contributors are telling you; work with them, instead of against them;
treat them as partners, not as enemies.  If you do that, there is no
reason for anybody to leave the community, move the code away, or fork.

In the Online case, we (as Collabora) were trying extremely hard not to
have to move the development outside of TDF infrastructure, and we have
done many steps to fulfill asks of various people.  Unfortunately -
they were demanding more and more; and at some stage they wanted just
too much: to dismiss the agreement we had with TDF that LibreOffice
Online will be a source-only project, for *everyone* to build their
branded versions on, ie. it won't be a binary product that people can
download under LibreOffice name from TDF pages.

This agreement was in place to ensure that the economics work
correctly, and all ecosystem companies (not only Collabora) can build
their Online's on top of the shared code.

> Getting to this specific situation, Jan 'Kendy' Holešovský, in the
> last Q+A session for the next BoD, stated that “it was really hard
> for us [Collabora] to get contributors and volunteers under the TDF
> umbrella… and we tried hard […] now that we’re on GitHub we get
> several commits from random people just because it’s on GitHub” [1].
> Kendy didn’t bring any data supporting this thesis but – for the sake
> of the argument – assume he’s true.

Sure - I was unprepared for the question, it was ad-hoc, so everything
I've said there was without the possibility to have the numbers at hand
in advance :-)  Let me add the details now:

d0edfeabbdc969a9a66cf90976a63c2f4403a6d3 was the last commit that
happened on the TDF infrastructure.  It covers work from 2015-03-03 to
2020-09-30.  The amount of people who have contributed during those 5
years and 7 months was 85:

$ git log d0edfeabbdc969a9a66cf90976a63c2f4403a6d3 | grep '^Author:' | sed 
's/^Author: //' | sed 's/ <.*//' | sort | uniq | wc -l

In the rest of the period, so from 2020-10-01 to now, the amount of
people who have contributed in the 1 year and 2 months was 75 (155 if I
include the translations - but that wouldn't be correct):

$  git log --invert-grep --grep=Weblate 
d0edfeabbdc969a9a66cf90976a63c2f4403a6d3.. | grep '^Author:' | sed 's/^Author: 
//' | sed 's/ <.*//' | sort | uniq | wc -l

Do you see the 5 years vs. 1 year proportion?

> Shouldn’t this have been a concern for the whole foundation, and not
> only for Collabora? It’s the foundation scope to bring new developers
> in.

Definitely it should be a concern - and I've stressed this several
times on other occasions that the main reason why I am standing for the
Board is that I want to make TDF more welcoming (to get new
contributors) & friendly (to keep the existing ones).  And by
contributors, I mean not only developers, but also translators,
designers, documentation authors, QA and other people actually
enhancing the project.

> If GitHub can magically attract developers, also TDF, from my point
> of view, should move there.

There are many pro's and con's; eg. we were criticized after the move
that GitHub is proprietary software & infrastructure.

Also I think gerrit works better for a C++ project rather than the
system of PR's known from Github.

But if you think even TDF should consider the option, please do feel
encouraged to research that & come up with a proposal to the ESC and
the Board!

> There are indeed a few concerns I have to bring: have you ever
> wondered why the Nextcloud Server project on GitHub has 1.6k open
> issues? Why do they need so many tags, bots, and PEOPLE, employees
> that spend their time closing useless issues that are used as support
> requests?
> What I’m trying to say is that a wider audience also comes with
> considerable disadvantages.

I am actually not sure what should I conclude from this?  Are you
arguing that Nextcloud is doing better on GitHub than TDF on its own
infra, or that it is doing worse?

Can you add how many open issues are at TDF?  How many tags, bots etc.
do we have?

> In his speech, Kendy also mentions that “we [Collabora] love
> LibreOffice”. I am sure that what he says is true,

Yes, we do love LibreOffice, just have a look at the amount of commits
coming from Collabora to the LibreOffice repository :-)

> which is precisely why he (with the whole Collabora team) could help
> us understand why they renamed lool (LibreOffice Online) to cool
> (Collabora Online) also in the source code [2], removed the “This
> file is part of the LibreOffice project.” statement from the headers
> of the source [3] and changed the variable names [4].

Unfortunately there is no way for me to win this argument.

If we keep those names & comments, it could be argued that we are
misusing the LibreOffice name - "why do you say that you are part of
the LibreOffice project when you are not on TDF infrastructure?"

But when we have removed it, it could be argued that we don't love
LibreOffice enough...

Luckily there are hard data that show where we stand - Collabora has
contributed 32.3% of commits that went to LibreOffice since the last
October; which is BTW on par with what we (or any other company) are
allowed in the bodies as the percentage of representatives, so it seems
to be a healthy number.

> In conclusion, I would like to emphasise the fact that I’m completely
> unhappy with the “attic” proposal as a solution for the Online
> situation and hope we can all work together to allow TDF to still
> consider Online a part of the LibreOffice suite.

I am still not sure I understand your reasons - why it is so important
to you to name this code "LibreOffice Online"?

The code is still Free Software under the same MPL license, as it was
under TDF.  The code is flourishing on GitHub, so the FLOSS world wins;
and only few people actually care if it is named "LibreOffice Online",
or "Collabora Online".

Of course, we as Collabora are actually among those few who *do* care
if it is called Collabora Online or not, because that helps us to get
customers, and re-invest the income into the code; see more here:


The last thing - have you noticed the recently announced "Nextcloud


The same Online code is now available under the "Nextcloud Office"

Please ask yourself - what is the value of non-atticized LibreOffice
Online?  What is better for FLOSS in general: One common code on GitHub
with multiple names (all promoting the LibreOffice Technology, but none
of them actually called "LibreOffice Online"), or 2 diverging forks,
one of them consuming TDF money, but called "LibreOffice Online"?

Thank you!

All the best,

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