Le 09/07/2020 à 16:03, Daniel Armando Rodriguez a écrit :
> El 2020-07-09 06:05, Ilmari Lauhakangas escribió:
>> Thorsten Behrens kirjoitti 9.7.2020 klo 11.44:
>>> Ilmari Lauhakangas wrote:
>>>> DemocracyOS vs. anything we currently have is an apples to oranges
>>>> comparison meaning we *can't* shut anything down.
>>> But how would DemocracyOS then help to solve the too-many-channels
>>> problem?
>> In my view it would not help solve that specific problem. I guess the
>> idea was instead to have a channel geared towards a very specific
>> purpose (feedback to TDF governance) with an interface that would be
>> pleasant for the majority.
> Ilmari did the reading I was aiming at.
> One example, spanish ML has 329 subscribers so far. Takign just the 1%
> of the spanish speaking people worldwide, which is about 500 millions,
> that number is not even insignificant.
> That's the main reason that motivates me, to bring new users closer
> through a channel more in tune with the current times and, therefore,
> something that most computer users are used to.

I agree, and by the way, it's not yet another communication channel as
some may see it, it's a participative platform to collect feedback from
large groups in an organized way either by comments, supports or votesœ.
Decision takers spend less time to analyze and sort the feedback
provided than on mailing lists. For a project of our size, I feel it's
also needed to have participatory mechanisms that are welcoming to NLPs
too and civic technologies are an answer to that.
Thorsten, I understand your fears that the communication may spread over
another tool, but it's a matter of education and contributors will
quickly see the advantages of using it instead of posting on Telegram,
BZ or mailing lists because it's exactly done for governance. It's also
a way to value their feedback by having a mean to support it.


Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
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