Hi Daniel,

[sry for the repetition, missed this public mail initially]

Daniel Armando Rodriguez wrote:
> In my opinion, and based on recent experience, I consider it necessary for
> TDF to be open to community participation in a more modern and accessible
> way to everyone.
I agree. The recent discussions where spread across a lot of places.

> In this sense, it is clear that the use of mailing lists, IRC/Telegram
> channels does not allow to reach the majority of LibreOffice users, free
> software advocates and community members and that is why I would like to
> propose the adoption of a platform that favours participation, debate,
> interaction and collaborative elaboration of lines of action between TDF and
> the community.
One comment:

- I'd strongly suggest that any new tool we introduce comes with a
  commitment to shutdown / discourage at least one (but better more!)
  existing tool. We'll otherwise quickly get to https://xkcd.com/927/ ;)

So if https://democraciaos.org/ is to solve the
too-many-communication-channels problem - are we then shutting down
IRC/Telegram, or even the mailing lists?


-- Thorsten

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