Am 15.07.20 um 16:05 schrieb Italo Vignoli:
> A new version of the strategic marcom plan has been uploaded to
> Nextcloud: https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/4pLtn9xn76BkxFK

Very much improved indeed :-)

Two minor naggings:

Slide 3 (in regard to 4) maybe better (?)
"The Document Foundation is a charitable organization, and as such is not 
supposed to release commercial software /as well as to fund programming of 

Slide 28
What is the surplus of the sum of "volonteers" and "ecosystem" to form the 
"community"? Users? Takers?

And my "ceterum censeo..."
Slide 49/50
This is why I and some others propose "" set as TDB - so we get "LibreOffice" 
and "LibreOffice Enterprise,[brought to you by XYZ]" as a result. This avoids 
all of the possible negative connotations each of the proposed "additions" to 
the build distributed by TDF brings. And allows the intended discrimination as 
Basically we say there is a "LibreOffice" (vanilla) and "LibreOffice with 
benefits" (Enterprise,...) - and that's exactly what we want to tell the 
people, isn't it?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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